Monday, May 12, 2008

Kentucky Obama HQ Report - 5/12

I just got back from working the Louisville office. Frankly, I am physically annihilated but emotionally super-charged.

With Obama coming in to speak tonight, it was absolute mayhem at the field office today. How crazy? Well, for one thing, we had 4 volunteers assigned just to answer the phones. We are now almost wiped out of every kind of campaign volunteer tools, from T-shirts to bumper stickers. People squeezed just to get through the main room. It was the Friday morning after Thanksgiving.

It has not always been this way.

The whole time I worked the southern part of Indiana all the volunteers felt as if we were carrying water uphill. Thank God we were motivated. All we could possibly hope for was to minimize the final damage. And so we pushed forward; one day and one vote at a time.

Finally, it was Primary night. The final results came in. Field volunteers from all over the country had done the impossible. We had come within 2% from winning the Indiana Democratic Primary for Obama.

We literally went euphoric. Talk about an incredible feeling.

Never did a "loss" feel more like a victory. Primary night in New Albany, IN was one of the most uplifting moments of my life. The volunteers worked so relentlessly, and against such formidable odds, that we stopped Hillary dead in her tracks. Think about it. The press is still asking, "Hillary who?" The North Carolina and Indiana state primaries were the Gettysburg of the 2008 Democratic Presidential Campaign.

Ever since May 7th, this is definitely not the same country. If the voters here in the urban areas of Kentucky are any indication, Kentucky could cinch the '08 Presidential Democratic campaign for Barack Obama.

Fellow Hoosiers, I got here the hard way. I started in Ohio. I came back home to Jeffersonville, IN. Now I am working in Kentucky. As unbelievable as this may sound, you have my word for one thing: Obama will smash the current projections. It may be unrealistic, but deep inside I personally am looking for an upset. The atmosphere is electrifying here in Louisville. It is times and places like this that History is made.

I urge every Hoosier, every American, to share in this incredible experience. Indiana was the blow that stopped Hillary Clinton. Now let's make Kentucky the crown jewel.

And if your journey happens to take you through Louisville, please do stop by and say hello. We are located at 900 E. Market St., Louisville, KY.

Kentuckiana for Obama

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