Friday, May 23, 2008

Walking the Talk

Lately I have received dozens of emails from angry Obama supporters who say that they are going to protest on March 31st in Washington D.C. against Hillary's attempts to steal the election. It is one thing to want to be heard by actually attending the meeting itself. But the strategy of staging massive Obama protests concerns me.

Why would we even consider staging demonstrations that will only serve to amplify her message?

Why are we allowing Hillary to manipulate us into fighting her battle on her turf? Why are we not keeping our focus on the positive message "Change that we can believe in"?

Many of us have lived through decades of angry and hateful demonstrations. No matter how right or wrong their cause, in every case they were always looking for special treatment. Look around. Is this really the kind of world we want to live in?

The Obama campaign is about "Change we can believe in." Real change requires that we actually respond differently.

I will not protest. I will not get angry. I will not play Hillary's game.

Instead I will put all of my energy into getting Obama votes in every primary and in every state until Obama wins the Democratic nomination.

We need to be out in the field earning peoples votes; not in Washington DC trying to stop Hillary from stealing them. That's her baggage; not ours.

G Kentuckiana for Obama

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