Saturday, June 14, 2008

LAUNCH - Indiana Volunteer Network

Mybo has just authorized the launch a new state-wide Obama communications network here in Indiana using the mybo listserver. Unlike the current mybo groups, this is a volunteer organized and directed network with the sole purpose of building and supporting grassroots support groups throughout the State of Indiana.

This is not a discussion group. It is a work group. All communications will be directed towards the goal of building and maintaining active grass-roots activities at the local level. According, all posts to the network will be actively monitored by volunteer administrators to ensure a continuously effective working environment.

We are requesting that the leaders of all active Indiana based volunteer groups please contact us. Be advised that mybo administrators will assess our efforts so that they may gage the potential effectiveness of employing this format on a larger scale.

The choice of Indiana is no accident. The success of the hard working volunteers from Indiana during the Primaries impressed the nation.

This is entirely a volunteer effort. Each of us has the opportunity to contribute our vision, ideas and suggestions now when it will count the most. Obama staffers can not direct volunteer activities. This direction must be provided directly by us, the volunteers. If the staffers are to maximize their work efforts during their stay here, they need a knowledgeable and well-coordinated volunteer network already in place.

To find out more email the Obama Action Network - Indiana.

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