Friday, June 20, 2008


NW Indiana has really jumped on this project. As a result we will soon be activating OAN-IN in this area. If anyone is interested in volunteering to act as a GA for this area please let me know. As of now we are no longer accepting volunteers to act as GAs in the NW counties of La Porte, Porter, St Joe, Newton & Tippacanoe. We have offers in many others, but we would like to give the most qualified volunteers the opportunity to act in this capacity. Email us if you are interested in volunteering for this region or any other County in Indiana.

Anticipating the success of our network, we must now establish a few specific policies that will facilitate clear and accurate communications on a long-term basis.

Please refrain from acting as a campaign information source. This will be the sole prerogative of the Obama campaign staff; that is if they choose to utilize our communications network. Obama staffers will be the only persons who will be allowed to post campaign informational posts. Again, our posts must be confined to the active logistic support of volunteer activities on an appropriate basis. We are not an information source. We are a work group.

Existing local volunteer groups on mybo are already in place to handle their own local activities. It would be counter-productive for us to interfere with these efforts. We must allow them to do their work unfettered by any outside individuals or groups; especially us. These local groups may decide to use our communications network to help them organize their efforts. They may use the network to seek support from any other volunteers/groups to assist them with their ongoing work. That is their, and only their, choice.

Unless local groups specifically request input from outside volunteers/groups we must make it a point not to offer any form of unsolicited input. The existing mybo groups must be free to use the communication network as a private channel. No one will be allowed to interfere in the public communications of any other members of the network. If we do, we immediately become a source of interference; not communication. Any member of this network is, however, encouraged to email any other volunteer/group off-network. We must be fastidious about allowing other members/groups to set their own boundaries; and then respect them.

One of the most obnoxious and counter-productive features of most listserve groups is when some member decides to adopt the group as his/her own personal pulpit. When you confront him he/she always counters that, as an American, he has the right to free speech. Our position is absolute on this issue. Everyone has the right to speak - right up to the point when their words meet our ears. That's when his/her right ends and our rights begin. Groups are formed for the sole purpose of reaching a mutual consensus for the benefit of the members of the group. The right to speak must be continuously earned by each member based solely on his/her contribution to the purposes for which the group was formed. There can be no exceptions to this rule if we expect to have even the hope of succeeding.

The bottom line is simple and obvious. If we can not successfully speak together as a group, we will never be able to act together as a group. This will be the great social/political achievement of this century. The times demand it. Our network is a commitment to an implied right to free group speech. The individuals right to speak is not relevant in this context. To debate this issue is lunacy. The group right to communicate must be respected. Violations of the group right of free speech will not be allowed.

Please keep in mind that all of these irresponsible, often destructive individuals, are simply using their distorted conception of the right to free speech as an excuse for forcing their feelings of entitlement down every one else's throats. We are all sick to death of being compelled to endure other people's personal misery - all in the name of some prevarication of "an individual's legitimate freedom of speech." Sheer nonsense.

If we are to actually accomplish our mission of helping Senator Obama bring his message of real change to the world, then we are going to have to start right here.

Accordingly, please feel free to forward our emails to individuals who you personally know. We must respect the rights of the members of other mybo groups not to be inundated by our rhetoric. As of now we will now voluntarily and unilaterally curtail future mass mailings.

Again, this is entirely our decision. We have received no complaints or pressure. In fact, we have received only one letter expressing disapproval of our mission.

We have simply decided to walk the talk.  - G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought this was an excellent post that I should reread several times a week:)