Thursday, June 19, 2008

For The Record

--------- Original message ----------
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Janet Chilton <Email address deleted upon request> wrote:


I live in Carmel and will be attending the Dem Convention this weekend. I am interested in OAN-IN, although I don't have time to be a group administrator. Maybe there is another active role that would fit my schedule. I was very active during the primary, even had a staffer living with me. She's coming back to Indiana on Friday, so I know Indiana is definitely on the radar.

Do you know who is eligible to attend the County training on Friday night? Do you have more information about that?

FYI, I am also running as a candidate for the 5th district National delegate, although I think there are about 100 of us (just kidding) vying for 1 position. Being a newbie I have little hope of winning, but it was an honor for the Obama campaign to ask me to run.

Thanks for the work you're doing. Keep me posted.

Janet Chilton
Carmel, IN

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: G <>
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:15 AM
Subject: OAN-IN
To: Janet Chilton <Email address deleted upon request>

Welcome aboard, Janet. Thank you for your offer. When this network takes off, I can assure you that there will be lots of ways that we can all help. I have bookmarked this eamil.

Regarding your question; "Do you know who is eligible to attend the County training on Friday night? Do you have more information about that?"

Contacting your local groups is still the best way to answer these questions. This is one of the important functions of local group membership. By contacting your local group for answers to these questions, it will also provide you with an opportunity to join the existing group closest to where you live. This, in turn, helps to activate local grassroots activities. Local grassroots political groups are absolutely indispensable to the success of the campaign. A large part of OAN-IN's mission is to support local grassroots networks.

It must, however, be made clear that Senator Obama has successfully reinvented the political wheel. With the elimination of soft money and PACs no one literally knows what is going to happen next. This is the reason for the very conspicuous lull in momentum. The Obama campaign machine is laying out a brand new strategy with the Democratic Party machine. For the first time in political history the candidate has more money than the Party. It is no longer the Party who is running the show. It is the candidate. Talk about a whole new paradigm.

Add to this situation the fact that for the first time in political history, not only is the Obama campaign completely grassroots based, but this grassroots effort is extensively technology/Internet based. As a result, all the old systems are being organized and integrated into an I-based system. This is such a pronounced transition that it is affecting campaign activities at the both the highest and the most fundamental levels at the same time. It's a target shoot.

The one thing that we can all be certain of: Little is going to be certain. We do know that at long last politics will be driven by the voters, not the special interest groups. Take about a power shift.

We also know that every activity that the campaigns employ will be I-based. It is simply more reliable, faster, less resource consuming and more accessible to voters. It provides an unparalleled opportunity for clear communications; as well as larger more inclusive and more accessible databases; that will be updated in real time and will always be instantly available to staffers. Wow.

As I have said before, the possibilities are limitless. What we are participating in is the rapid "techologicalization" of the political campaign process. The implications are as limitless as was the introduction of the machine was to the Industrial Revolution. OAN-IN is the first volunteer driven application of this technology in the history of American political campaigning. It takes mybo and gives it a good shove.

For future reference, all you need to do is to log on to mybo. Go to the find you local group page. Enter you zip code and you will be provided with those registered groups closest to you. Yes, the list is as yet incomplete. But it will tie you into the local volunteer network.

Until mybo has the opportunity to establish a more complete database of local groups, complete local group membership in OAN-IN will temporarily provide a complete and accurate database of every local group in the State of Indiana, including a communications network for contacting them. This is another component of the OAN-IN mission statement.

However, if you can not get your questions answered by contacting your local group, or you would like to communicate with a broader network of groups, then feel free to post to the larger group here at OAN-IN Janet; at least for now. As the campaign grows we may have to curtail some postings if they interfere with higher priority communications. Since no one has ever done this before, we will all have to put our heads together and work this thing out every step of the way. This is really entirely a grassroots project.

To all members: Please feel free to use OAN to help you coordinate your intra-County and inter-group activities for the County Trainings and the Dem Conv this weekend. Over time, OAN-IN will authorize County based networks for exactly this purpose.

Btw, we are going to try to get some OAN members together for an impromptu "do" in Indianapolis this weekend. Given the short notice, we are just going to do the best that we can. So no one should sweat it if we don't hook up. This is, after all, an I-based network. :-)

Indianapolis is just a great opportunity to get to know each other face to face. It also will allow me to explain this powerful tool in person. OAN-IN simply anticipates the next logical step in I-based grassroots political campaigning. We are attempting to utilize this powerful technology now, while there is still time to use these advances to help Senator Obama get elected in November. Our success will be entirely dependent upon the hard work and enthusiasm of the community of grassroots volunteers.

The potential advantage to the Obama campaign by using OAN-IN in Indiana is enormous.

If you like, please e-mail me your itinerary for your stay in Indianapolis including where you will be staying. Some of us will definitely be getting together.  - G

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