Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Exciting News

"We must interrupt our regular scheduled programming to bring you the latest breaking news."  ;-)

Mybo has approved our application for an OAN-IN network group for each of the 92 Counties in the State of Indiana. If you are interested in serving as a group administrator (GA), please contact me. You must be qualified for this position.

There have been a few inquiries of late that need to be addressed to the whole group.

OAN-IN is not a mybo group. OAN-IN is a communications and deployment network.

Mybo groups play a vital role in organizing and supporting local grassroots volunteer/campaign strategies. The current mybo groups need to continue to fulfill their traditional and critical role in exactly the same way that they have always done.

OAN-IN is a communication network designed to improve and facilitate the communications process between the Indiana volunteers (local mybo groups) and the professional campaign staffers. Part of our mission is to enhance the functionality of current and future local mybo groups.

OAN-IN is strictly a volunteer sponsored and driven effort. We volunteers are responsible for our own success. Mybo's contribution to this effort is allowing us to utilize their powerful infrastructure for our communications purposes. We expect to be receiving assistance from other Obama volunteers from across the country. We are already in discussions with other groups in other States. Their assistance will be invaluable to us.

The bottom line is this. We volunteers are finally taking charge of organizing and directing our own area of responsibility - volunteer field operations. Ultimately, the end user of the system is the staffers. They will be the ones to send requests to the volunteer network. That's when we will go to work. Everything we do must be directed towards the deployment of volunteer resources to any staffer immediately upon their request - especially come GOTV time. Everything we are doing, with OAN-IN or in our local groups, is simply preparation for what we all hope will be the most massive and successful GOTV Drive in American political history.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Please let me know if you will be in Indianapolis this weekend. It is time for the potential GA volunteers to get together.  - G

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