Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Big Picture

Here is the post that puts it all together.

So far we have established only one of the primary functions of this network: To assist us in coordinating our volunteer recruitment and organizational activities at the local level. This new network will allow us to focus our efforts exclusively on organizing local grassroots activities without the background noise. The rules are clear: This is a work group, not a discussion group. This expanded network will also allow us to share our resources and knowledge throughout the State.

The second function of the OAN will be to act as an immediate response network between every Obama staffer and every local campaign volunteer on a moment-to-moment basis. Any staffer or volunteer coordinator will be able to input each separate request for assistance to every potential volunteer within the local geographic area.

Staffers do not currently posses this ability. This is the Achilles Heel of the current communications network. Someone, usually a volunteer coordinator assigned to the specific activity, has to reach out to other individual volunteers on an individual basis. This is inefficient, time consuming and inadvertently misses every volunteer who isn't on the pre-approved A List for that one volunteer coordinator. It is a tremendous waste of volunteer manpower.

This network will allow the staffers, or the volunteer coordinators, to immediately post their requests to the entire group. Any member could then offer to assist in solving the current problem. Usually this will be a request for people to canvass, or work phones, etc. But there are many other tasks that are vital to the success of our campaign efforts such as driving to another county to pick up signs or buttons, or bringing food to feed the field workers. This new system will allow any member who is available to immediately volunteer. The network will be fast, accurate, reliable and internally self-administered. This model also allows for anyone to join the GOTV drive at any point in the campaign and immediately start pitching in. As long as there are enough volunteer members, every volunteer will be free to respond or to take a couple of days off for a break without risking bringing the whole system down. No one needs to sign up from day one and then commit to lose their entire life for months just to earn the right to be able to participate. ;-)

A political campaign is very similar to fighting a war. "No battle plan ever survives [the first] contact with the enemy". - Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke. During a political primary, priorities change hourly. This network will allow each of us to effectively respond to this ongoing challenge.

Our immediate goal is to obtain a list of qualified Group Administers (GA) so that mybo can initialize the County based OAN groups. It would be counter productive to have every Obama supporter join the network at the State level. It would also be impossible to administer a network of this magnitude.

As soon as enough counties have an OAN-IN GA we can start registering every potential Obama volunteer throughout the State of Indiana on mybo.

Please contact qualified Obama volunteers such as current mybo Group Administrators to see if they are able to come on board. We can not risk putting our message out to the general community until the county groups have been activated. This is also a perfect opportunity for each of us to contact our local newspapers, faith based groups, etc. to inform them of our upcoming launch. It will help if they make a commitment to assist us when the time comes.

Today and tomorrow I will start calling key potential resources to bring them up to speed, get their input, and perhaps even their direct support. Please keep in mind that this is completely a volunteer project. The planning stage is moving along nicely. We will soon be up and running.

Only we volunteers can deliver the State of Indiana for Senator Obama. We aim do exactly that.  - G

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