Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Going Public

This year Indiana has the opportunity to make grassroots political campaign history. Senator Obama will win Indiana. We volunteers will deliver it for him.

Those of us who worked as Obama volunteers during the long primary run learned a lot of things. Most of all we learned what works and what doesn't.

The one issue that clearly stood out was the disconnect between staffers and volunteers. The Obama Action Network - Indiana (OAN-IN) was established to address this problem. OAN-IN is a volunteer organized and self-directed volunteer communications network. There is one iron-clad rule: This is a work group; not a discussion group. Every post must directly focus on the support of physical grassroots organizing activities. This network is a Rapid Response Battle Group. If utilized to it's maximum capabilities, it will revolutionize the political campaign process here in Indiana.

We have already received mybo approval to test this system here in Indiana. Today we finished submitting every County group for final approval.

While we volunteers will be responsible for the organization and maintenance of this network, the end users of this network will be the Obama Staffers. We exist to support them. In the process we can drastically reduce the staffers current administrative work load. This will then free the staffers to more directly monitor their field operations. We will accomplish this seemingly impossible feat simply by taking full advantage of the technological capabilities of I-based communications which mybo first initiated.

Some of us have already logged on to the network. We have posted the relevant emails to a blog. If you would like to get up to speed on what has happened so far, please read the entries for the month of June starting with the post titled "The Launch" and read forward.

Later today we will change our focus from volunteer organization to staff support function. It is the built-in powerful staff support functionality that makes this communications network so powerful and useful.

As of now we are posting to the OAN-IN group. This is the State level group. County groups will soon follow. If you would like to participate in the launch, or place your name into consideration to act as a Group Administrator, you may log in by going to Mybo Groups and join the "OAN-IN" group. Please remember that this is exclusively an action group. If you would like to engage in political debates, post articles or wax poetic there are a good number of excellent mybo groups already available to you. Just not this one. ;-)

For right now, please take the time to read the archives. More to follow tomorrow.  - G

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