Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Time!

This was posted to the Mybo Blog today. If we move here in Indiana, OAN has been designed to plug into every State in the Nation. It's all up to you, now.  - G
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An Idea for Organizing Via the Web

By Jeff from Holmdel, NJ - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 10:47 am EDT

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Something's Missing
I love the Obama website and Community Blog. It's easy to express yourself, it's easy to donate and it's easy to pick up on timely campaign info. But, as the campaign grows bigger and broader, the one thing lost in the shuffle is constant and personal contact up and down the vertical hierarchy. (Sometimes I wonder whether anything I post on this blog actually gets read by more than 2 or 3 people).

Suppose We Organized Cyber Space Like We Do in Precincts
Traditionally, campaigns are organized geographically - often block by block, precinct by precinct. The effectiveness of the local ground game often varies state to state, town to town, depending on a multiplicity of factors, including but not limited to candidates' appeal, local issues, quality of local political leadership etc.

What I'm thinking is:

Every 25 people who've registered on this site as bloggers is (a) made a member of a sub-blogger news group and (b) assigned a Blogger Community Leader who serves as a liasion between the group and the campaign hierarchy. The Leader's job is to find answers to questions made by members of the group, communicate directives, suggestions and info from on-high and to funnel suggestions up the pipeline to campaign leadership.

You could still organize this by state and maybe even by county - and thismight reap additional geographical benefits. But cyber-space makes it easy to simply bring 25 people together and organize them, regardless of where they lived.

Doing the math - If 1.5 million people have joined the Obama Community Blog and assuming that all 50 states are equal in blogger population, each state would be 30,000 Obama bloggers, and 1,200 Group Leaders would have to be appointed (or perhaps elected by the 25 members of each subgroups).

If need be, there could be an additional supervisory layer of 48 Division Supervisors for each state; each in charge of 25 Group Leaders.

Any blog posted in the Community Blog could simultaneously be posted in the 25-person subblog so that members of the group could read it and respond. The idea would be to keep all 35 bloggers consistently engaged and involved day by day week by week.

Bottom Line
The Obama campaign would be organized and plugged in top to bottom, with sub group supporters communicating with one another daily and being armed with material and talking points needed to win over friends, neighbors and family members and to promote the campaign.

Being "Fired Up" goes without saying. What this would do is make more people "Readier to Go."

1 comment:

Tanner said...

We have done exactly this here at the Jersey shore. I created our netwrok for the sole purpose of organization and collaboration. The site is

In just the last week our membership has increased to 60 people and we've started to hold our own events. These types of networks are very easy to set up. We got ours up and running in less than a day and it has been clear skies ever since.