Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Complete Story

OK. let's start from the top. This assessment is based on my own experience in deploying ERP systems in the private sector. While I of course do not have privy to inside sources in mybo, I do have a communications network of experienced political and technical professionals. Their assessment is identical to mine. Simply put, it is obvious to anyone in the business.

The Democratic Party has many databases of voter information. The must useful database sources are provided to the public from the County Elections Board or through the sign-up sheets made available during the Primary. Other database sources are available from private sources, others from polling networks, etc.

Enter mybo.

Mybo is a powerful database and communications network. Every contact with the public also serves the critical purpose of entering a massive amount of critical voter/supporter names and contact information into the mybo database. By integrating the database into an integrated platform mybo now has the ability to immediately retrieve and specifically direct this database information for any purpose they chose. Mybo has instantly become one of the most powerful integrated database platforms in the world. It's potential is limitless.

When mybo was originally launched it is obvious that the planners were not aware of the immense possibilities this new system could offer them. A good deal of potential was not realized during the first Primary pass. It is too late for mybo to go back and update the system. But it is not too late for we Obama supporters across the country to help them to fill in the gaps before November. This accomplishment of this specific objective could easily decide this election.

Our task in the creation of OAN-IN is to assist the Obama Campaign to immediately and more fully utilize much of the currently untapped potential of mybo.

The fact is that mybo simply can not logistically handle this task at it's current level of complexity. It is logistically impossible. We however are perfectly positioned for the task.

All we have to do is to simply get together and do it.  - G

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