Monday, June 16, 2008

The Critical Objective

from: Bob Mattson


to: Glenn Dixon <>

date: Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 9:48 PM

subject: Re: Fw: LAUNCH - Indiana Volunteer Network

Hi Glenn,

I am writing on behalf of Democracy for Lake County.  I am very interested in what you wrote below.  We have some great ideas but are having a heck of a time getting the logistics worked out.

Two of the things that we are considering are:

-Campaign training seminars. 

-Connecting volunteers in to national, state, and local campaigns.

How can we plug in?

Bob Mattson

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G to OAN-IN, mattson1996

Hi, Bob. Sounds great. Let me update you on our progress to date.

I spent 4 hours on the phone with Carla Mays, the former Team Leader of Team Puerto Rico. Carla has been a professional Democratic strategist for 12 years. She is  well connected and experienced with the Obama Volunteer Network, particularly in So. California. She is one of the most energetic and naturally pleasant human beings that I have ever met. She also really knows her stuff. She will be contacting technical specialist experienced in these types of operations to contact me straight away.

There is really only one potential obstacle that we can not control. We can not ultimately succeed without mybo HQ actively supporting our enterprise. We have accomplished the first step: Getting mybo to agree that it is a good idea. Historically, however, this is not enough. Eventually, unless mybo makes a solid and active commitment to assist us, we simply will not succeed.

The volunteer specialists that will be contacting me will explain to me in detail how we can structure our activities in a such way that we will be practically useful to the campaign. We must structure our activities in such a way that we can easily and productively employed within their new framework and game plan.

The new campaign will be much stronger than was the primary campaign. As we speak the Obama campaign machine is integrating seamlessly with the Democratic Party machine. This new entity, the Obama Democratic Presidential National campaign will have tremendous resources at their disposal. They will have their own agenda. They will view us according their agenda.

Either we establish ourselves as a useful component of their infrastructure or we will eventually be viewed as just another fly on the wall. Essentially we must undertake those strategies that the Democratic Party decides will be useful to them. If we are not useful and available to help them achieve their purposes, we really are useless.

Please be advised that I did a good deal of homework before getting started on this.

If anyone has any resources that they can bring to bear to assist us in achieving this next critical objective they should contact me immediately.

Regards  - G

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