Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wonderful Email Exchange

Just wanted to share this email exchange:

My loved friends, nothing happened in the past days (apart Mr. Edwards endorsement..)! Are all groups sleeping ! We still have not anything in our basket...why seems we stopped ? Let's wake up and be ready for next move, in Kentucky and Oregon. Your friend from Italy, Simone

My reply:

We can only hope that they are all out canvassing and therefore don't have enough time to talk. I can tell you that at the Obama KY HQ in Louisville that we started to see a dramatic increase in walk-in volunteers last Monday. It has been noticeably increasing daily. Naturally, we can use all the volunteer help that we can get. I can't wait to get back to Italy, Simone. I especially miss Assisi.
G Kentuckiana for Obama

And Simone responded:

Dear Glenn,
thanks for your message. Very good news, yours !
As I was in Cleveland last March, knocking doors on behalf of Sen. Obama, I know the feeling that inspire all volunteers!
The World is approaching the CHANGE, with our leader.
I'm so sorry I can't afford the ticket to fly and reach Kentucky to help you and all volunteers...but we will have phonebanking sessions, until Tuesday !
I live about 1 hour distance to Assisi, in Le Marche Region. I love Assisi,too.
Go with Obama.
Your italian friend,

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