Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kentucky Obama HQ Report - 5/13

Today was a slow-paced day at KY HQ. Of course, after yesterday's Obama event madness even a normal day would feel like a Zen retreat.

All the FOs were busy at their computers trying to catch up on their work load. Working here has given me a new appreciation and respect for the campaign staffers. These people are the most dedicated and hard working people you will ever meet. They rank right up there with Peace Corps volunteers and combat infantry. Most had gotten little or no sleep last night; and the night before, and the night ... No joke. And this for months on end.


My (un)official and self-appointed responsibilities include cleaning up the trash; sorting out the recycle; cleaning bathrooms, etc. (The chaos of a field office drives me nuts. You simply can not do good business in a poor work environment.) As a result the staff is now openly friendly. They even know my name. ;-)

As my grass was now a solid 10-12" high, I was forced to limit my shift to catch up on my badly neglected personal affairs. After all, come Friday it will be non-stop pandemonium.

But I still had 2 hours to burn. So I began looking around for what else needed to be done. Suddenly I remembered that the head honcho (we're talking KY, here) had asked for a soda. That was when it caught my attention that there were not only no sodas, but no drinking water or food anywhere in sight.

So I went over to Jen, the staffer that I chose as my sole boss. She is an absolutely warm and caring person. She is also honest and quick witted.

"Jen, what is going on around here? No beverage, no food: Please tell me it ain't so," I moaned.

Jen then explained to me that it was just a temporary hiccup, but had already been taken care of. But for me it was time to go to the grocery store; list in hand.

Honestly, I would rather be cleaning the toilet than braving a grocery store in mid afternoon. I worked my way through college as a retail grocery clerk. I still have flashbacks.

Two hours after I left, I returned with a trunk full of soda, water, fresh fruit, veggies, dip, a variety of chocolate candy and a box of orange push pops (Julia, the bosses, one great passion).

It was now time to go home and cut grass; look at a week's worth of accumulated mail ....

I believe that my strategy is working, though. You start by cleaning up their trash, then you buy them tons of food and drinks. Of course, you make certain to get something special for the boss (or you might as well not have bothered to go in the first place).

Who knows, at this rate they might even talk to me. ;-)

See you guys tomorrow.

Kentuckiana for Obama

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